Difference between Agreement and Contract in Tabular Form

When it comes to legal terms, it`s easy to get confused between words that may seem interchangeable but have distinct meanings. Two such words are “agreement” and “contract.” While they may seem similar, they have fundamental differences that are important to understand. In this article, we`ll break down the difference between agreement and contract in a tabular form for better comprehension.


An agreement is a mutual understanding between two or more parties that may not necessarily involve a legal obligation. It is a less formal and more flexible arrangement, often used when parties are collaborating or cooperating on a non-binding matter. Here are the key points to keep in mind:

| Aspect | Definition |


| Definition | A mutual understanding between two or more parties |

| Purpose | May or may not involve a legal obligation |

| Formality | Less formal and more flexible |

| Enforceability| Difficult to enforce, but parties may choose to do so|

Some examples of agreements are:

– A prenuptial agreement between two people about how they will manage their property and assets if they get divorced.

– A non-disclosure agreement between two companies that want to share confidential information.

– A memorandum of understanding between a university and a company outlining how they will work together on a research project.


A contract, on the other hand, is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties that involves an exchange of something valuable, such as money or services. It lays out specific terms and conditions that each party must adhere to, and it may have legal consequences if either party does not fulfill its obligations. Here`s what you need to know:

| Aspect | Definition |


| Definition | A legally binding agreement between two or more parties|

| Purpose | Involves an exchange of something valuable and has legal consequences |

| Formality | More formal and less flexible than an agreement |

| Enforceability| Can be enforced in a court of law |

Some examples of contracts are:

– A lease agreement between a landlord and a tenant that outlines the terms of renting a property and the consequences of breaking those terms.

– A sales contract between a company and a supplier that specifies the quantity, price, and delivery timeframe of goods.

– An employment contract between an employer and a new hire that outlines the terms of employment, including compensation, duration, and job responsibilities.


In summary, the main difference between an agreement and a contract is that an agreement is a mutual understanding that may or may not involve a legal obligation, while a contract is a legally binding agreement that involves an exchange of something valuable and has legal consequences. Agreements are less formal and more flexible, while contracts are more formal and less flexible. When entering into any legal agreement, it`s essential to understand its terms and implications to avoid any misunderstandings or legal repercussions.

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