H2020 Annotated Model Grant Agreement

The Horizon 2020 (H2020) Annotated Model Grant Agreement is a document that provides comprehensive information on the rules and procedures for implementing a Horizon 2020 grant agreement. The annotated model grant agreement covers a range of topics, from the eligibility of beneficiaries to the financial rules that apply to the grant.

The H2020 grant agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the obligations and responsibilities of both the European Commission and the beneficiary. The annotated model grant agreement is a tool that provides clear and concise guidance to help beneficiaries understand the requirements of the grant agreement.

The annotated model grant agreement includes guidance on the following areas:

1. Eligibility of beneficiaries – This section provides information on who is eligible to receive funding under a Horizon 2020 grant agreement. It includes details on the criteria that must be met to be considered eligible and the documentation that must be provided.

2. Financial rules – This section outlines the financial rules that apply to the grant agreement. It includes information on eligible costs, payment arrangements, and financial reporting requirements.

3. Intellectual Property (IP) – This section explains the rules and procedures for managing intellectual property rights under the grant agreement. It includes details on ownership, protection, and exploitation of intellectual property.

4. Open access – This section provides information on the open access requirements of the grant agreement. It includes details on making research results and data freely available to the public.

5. Ethics – This section outlines the ethical considerations that must be taken into account when conducting research under the grant agreement. It includes information on the ethical review process, informed consent, and confidentiality.

The annotated model grant agreement is an invaluable tool for beneficiaries of Horizon 2020 funding. It provides clear and concise guidance on the rules and procedures that must be followed to ensure compliance with the grant agreement. By following the guidance provided in the annotated model grant agreement, beneficiaries can ensure that they are using their funding appropriately and in accordance with European Commission rules and regulations.

In conclusion, the Horizon 2020 Annotated Model Grant Agreement is an important resource for any beneficiary of Horizon 2020 funding. It provides comprehensive guidance on the rules and procedures that must be followed to ensure compliance with the grant agreement. By using this resource, beneficiaries can ensure that they are using their funding appropriately and in accordance with European Commission rules and regulations.

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